
Saturday, January 9, 2010

Old Journal Entry

I was digging through old artwork and found THIS!!
Toy Story was one of my favourite movies when I was 6 (i think)
It could be the reason why I chose this career path.
Its amazing how a movie can have such an impact on one's life. =)


Lee Tao said...

lol that's awesome

Seo Kim said...

omg thats cute.

Lisa Wang said...

LMAO this is the best. Toy Sorety? nice

Stefan Khan said...

i see your english hasnt developed much since then... lmao jokes bro thats pretty funny stuff.

JESSIE said...

BEST!!! Love it so much. Dig up some more of this type of thing from when you were little and post it for me okay? :)

Anonymous said...

adorable XD